Sunday, July 13, 2008

It's the weekend! Where's my list?

As it turns out, I am not that good at lists.

It's not really the lists that get me. It's keeping them in my head long enough to write them down. I think it's that attention deficit disord...oh my! Is that a smudge on the computer screen? No, the damned thing's scratched! You have got to be kidding me!

I really ought to check my e-mail....


I caught a glimpse of my profile in the window at the QD yesterday.

Oh my god.

(Here's a list for you: Songs about fat guys. I can start with two off the top of my head. "Fat Man" from Jethro Tull's Stand Up LP, and "Fat Man In The Bathtub" by Little Feat. Okay, I almost forgot Howlin' Wolf "Built for comfort". (Somebody give me 7 more and we'll have a list).

The fact is, I don't want to be a fat man. (People would think that I was just good fun). So here's my deal. I'm losing 20 pounds. I know I can do it and I am gonna by god get it done. By the first of the year.

I'm not stroking you.

Have you seen Janet Pound lately? A mere shadow of her former self!

When I got home from my extended walk this morning I was cooling off at the computer and I had the iTunes going on. Up comes Dan Hicks and His Hot licks "My Old Timey Baby"! Nice. Then what do you know? That's right. Jackson Browne came on with "Fountain of Sorrow". I don't care what anyone says, those are some of the best lyrics in rock n' roll. Then guess what. Indigo Girls' "Galileo". I can't hear that song without thinking about Susie Cordes who thought it would liven up the party during a Jesus meeting at Wyatt's house to bring up reincarnation. (It's not Susies fault. Susie was just being Susie. George still has to hide his back copies of the NY Times whenever he has church friends over).

Then I got The Beatles' "Baby You Can Drive My Car", (beep-beep 'm beep-beep yeah!) (Okay, those are some of the best lyrics in rock 'n roll. How big do your testicle's need to be to put that to music and expect it to sell?) And then "Passenger Side" by Wilco ("...yer gonna make me spill my beer, if you don't learn how to steer.")


Where's Bobby Kahle when you need him? Not returning my damned e-mails, that's for sure...

Maybe we'll revisit "list's" next week. In the meantime, I'm hoping to hear from someone who will pay me to take my picture....

I had a commercial audition Thursday in Grand Rapids for Hurley Hospital. They have a wellness center they're going to be advertising. They are targeting middle aged people to get in and get in shape. I'm not encouraged. Apparently they're looking more for the 'after' picture than the 'before'. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I have a 'hold' from The I Group for a print and on-camera thing for 2 Men and a Truck on the 22nd. As I have been recently reminded, a 'hold' is not a gig. It's more like a strong maybe. What they're really saying is, "Gee, I really think you're swell. Unless I run across someone cuter with a better personality, I'd like you to go to the dance with me. Maybe. So keep that date open. And buy yourself something pretty to wear. Just in case. I'll let you know."

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity" Albert Einstein

'Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.' Anais Nin

"Man can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown" Claude Bernard

I'll be back in a c0uple of days with a recipe and (god willing) some more inspired thoughts.



Roulduke said...

All right already...Jesus H Christ on a crutch. I'm signing in...I'm reading the blog...I'm commenting...I'm in for the full 20 looking back..all ahead full and damn the torpedoes. You know, I get the newspaper every day...that is every single day of my life. And do you know how often I read it? Don't ask. It's worth it for the crossword and sudoku. I also get Esquire (because it is the best magazine in the world), Time (in case I need to brush up on current events), Condo Naste (whatever that is; can't remember why I got it in the first place..must have been a deal), Guitar World(so I can learn 7 dozen songs some time in the future from the indecipherable tab), Acoustic Guitar(because I can actually maybe learn one or two of those), GQ(your guess is as good as mine), Money(in case I ever get some), Southern Living (because we live in the South & want to get it right), Coastal Living (because we live on the coast, I guess), Entertainment Weekly(that comes in Josh's name), and, thank god, my Rolling Stone sub expired. That is a lot of paper products piling up on my tables, not to mention the stress of seeing another publication in the mail box. Now I have your blog to read. Hell, I have my own blog, but don't ever blog on it. All I would do is ramble..sorta like you do. OK, so I get a special mention in the musical list section. Very pleased to know that Old Timey Baby still does it for you...and Fountain of Sorrow...whoa..the heaviest song EVER written..Fat Man in the Bathtub...classic. I saw Little Feat recently, and they had some older lady with short hair and a BIG voice singing some of Lowell George's songs...didn't sit right with me...would have been better if she had sat out with laryngitis because the whole thing just stranged me out. Another thing, I just love Tull, but some of those really old songs and most of their newer stuff...and by, newer, I mean since Passion Play...I try very hard to like, but, in the end, when I put that CD back in the case, it is a little bittersweet because I know that it could be years before I ever play that again. But, I have it, you know, in case I want to hear it...that's the important thing, right? If I suddenly have the urge to hear one of those songs about the secret life of bees or whatever that was all about, well I can just go dig it out..I don't have to worry about procuring it through Ebay for less than the going price and all that. It is so easy getting fixated on the quest, that, when it actually arrives and I can hold it in my hand, I wonder what all the fuss was about after I play it once then file it deftly under the J's, not the T's, between The Broadsword and the Beast and War. Not a bad living for a gentleman catfish farmer. Number one on your list should always be 1.Make a list. Then when you cross it off, you get a false sense of accomplishment that makes you eager as a beaver to get something else done. Unless number 2 is: Take a well needed break. In which case you can lie down with your pen and list to ponder the heavenlies. Songs about fat guys..couldn't you think of something more edifying? A friend of mine has recently amassed a list called Boat Floatin' Tunes, which brought a flurry of criticism and alternate suggestions that he still has not recovered from. One suggestion was that he make it a double album, base upon the swarm of titles that came forth and heated discussions that ensued such as, how much relevance does "Everybody's Talkin" have to boat floatin'. Skipping over the ocean like a stone has certain nautical overtones, but boat floatin'? I am not convinced. For me, the jury is definitely still out. I made one suggestion that passed muster by saying that, indeed, Wooden Ships should make the cut, but how about the Jeff Airplane version versus CSN. It is easy to hear the CSN version..radios play it..everyone owns it in numerous formats. But the Airplane...ahhh..mysterious..eerie..that fuzz guitar that cuts right through and Grace's warbling high pitched voice just sets it apart in my mind. Several contributors had never even heard that version, yet they all agreed..Airplane is the clear winner. So, DA, my man, may I suggest that list making and tune gathering are not for the faint of heart and not a task to be taken lightly at least in the circles that I run in. I believe that you may see my point. You were not even convinced you had a list unless there were seven that your rule? Is there a guide? I think not. Just a netherlands sort of place to go wandering about giddily and a perfect spot to get set up and all your hopes and dreams dashed, lest you walk with a wary foot. Yes, that is a wary foot, as I know your untouchable feet often are. So, tread where you will and keep you head on a swivel as you traverse these murky musical waters. And that's all I have to say about that. yours, RK

Roulduke said...

Oh, 2 more things. I listen to Turning Point regularly. And, I am going to see Wilco August 6. Come to Jax and you can be my date. yeah

dA said...

...I'm am standing now, with my thumb out, on the on-ramp to US127 South, looking for the ride that will take me to J'ville and my appointment with Wilco, RK / Dark Meat and destiny itself.

"Can you take me to the store, and then the bank?I've got five dollars we can put in the tank. I've got a court date coming this June. I'll be driving soon. Passenger side? Paaenger side. I don't like riding, on the passenger side..."