Monday, January 26, 2009

Random Notes

I got this little exercise passed along to me from Dave Davies on Please feel free to comment back 25 random things about yourself. I would love to know more about you...

25 Random Things About Me

(Rules: You are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. The idea is that people respond in kind and we find out more about each other...

1. Indian River, Michigan is one of my favorite places anywhere, anytime of the year.

2. I am almost always well intentioned....

3. ...but am often unitentionally inappropriate.

4. I honestly believe that most people don't listen to enough music, and when they do they limit themselves in their selections based on what they already know.

5. I think everyone should read "Lust Lizard of Meloncholy Cove" and "Practical Demon Keeping" by Christopher Moore.

6. I believe that most people are way too "Thou Shalt Not" and not nearly enough "I shall".

7. I really, honest to God, just don't care about your politics.

8. I do believe that where there's life, there's hope.

9. I regret that I am so bad with money.

10. I have been a lucky duck when it comes to friends.

11. I love words.

12. I just want to make those fuckers laugh.

13. Yeah, I also don't care about your religion.

14. I really dig spicey breakfast sausage.

15. I have a limited repertoire, but I love to cook.

16. Five years ago I was a top sales executive for a nationally traded company.

17. Three years ago I was a pretty crappy Business Consultant for GMAC Real Estate.

18. Last year I sold my guitar to get gas money to get to an audition.

19. I have five unbelievably cool children and three grandsons that I am very proud of.

20. I want, more than anything else, for my children to be proud of me.

21. I have had the most incredible journey so far.

22. I can get way too emotional about things. I remember crying when Sarge yelled at Gomer in front of the other troops...

23. I can still recite entire scenes from Firesign Theatre's "Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me The Pliers".

24. I sometimes take things too personally.

25. I am an actor and that's what I do. I am not screwing around over here....

So...tell me some random things about yourself.

1 comment:

drea said...

I am proud of you. And I also proudly get too emotional about things as well...turn on animal planet and the tears will be rolling down my cheeks.